What a fantastic first day!!

What a wonderful branch with such wonderful people. I am excited to go to work tomorrow, and it feels AWESOME!!

Now I am sitting on the couch getting ready for leftover spaghetti. I love spaghetti on the second day… once the noodles have soaked up all the sauce it tastes twice as good as it did fresh from the pot. It was what I had planned for lunch but my new mentor treated me to Monteauxs. It was nice to get to know someone who will be able to guide me as I learn the ropes. And, as far as mentors go, I feel like I got assigned to a really great one. I will sleep easy tonight and wake up tomorrow happy and ready to conquer!

According to a pregnancy website I visit weekly, Nuggy can hear this week! Since I am talking constantly Nuggy will have had enough of my voice before he pops out, but he may have a taste for Croatian music. Tomis put his earphones on my stomach last night while I was watching t.v. I can’t really feel Nuggy move too much yet, but soon I will be able to tell if our baby is a country kid like mama, or a pop star like daddy.

Much love to all!!!

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1 Response to What a fantastic first day!!

  1. Ornella Poslek says:

    Great news !!!! We are very happy because of you….kiss,kiss !!!

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